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What if God Really Exists?

 Some comments I hear all the time in this strange post-Christian western society sound something like this: “Whatever you believe is fine,...

Sunday, November 7, 2021

What if God Really Exists?

 Some comments I hear all the time in this strange post-Christian western society sound something like this:

“Whatever you believe is fine, as long as you are sincere”

“Whatever you believe is okay, I will respect that”

“I am Christian, but that is what I believe. You can believe whatever you want.”

I believe this, but it is okay if you can believe something different.”


“All religions or beliefs are equal”

People who say such things are revealing something about themselves and their beliefs that they may not even realize. They are revealing their actual foundational worldview-- a world view that they may be aware or they may not be aware. That worldview is most likely materialistic, secular and atheistic. They also probably believe in macro-evolution as a realistic scientific explanation of the universe as well. Before continuing, let me take a moment to define these terms. Materialism is believing that the physical universe (i.e. matter/energy) is all there is—there is no God or no spiritual beings or spiritual world.1 There are only planets, and stars and animals and plants, etc. They may believe in multiple universes or other theories, but agree to these ideas can be explained in materialistic ways. Secular in the sense of non-religious or leaning towards a observable understanding, using the senses. Atheism is a belief that there is no God or supreme being (a=without, theo=god). “Macro-evolution refers to major evolutionary changes over time, the origin of new types of organisms from previously existing, but different, ancestral types. Examples of this would be fish descending from an invertebrate animal, or whales descending from a land mammal.” 2

Someone may respond to this by saying, “Not so, I believe in God or powerful spirits” or “I am Baha'i” or “I am Buddhist” “I am a Christian”. They might add, “I am trying to be respectful to others beliefs.” I understand being respectful to others beliefs, and I agree to a point, as long as it does not compromise the truth or disrespect God Himself.  However, I would disagree that you truly are convinced of these ideas or you would say, “Respectfully, this is the truth, what you believe is false.” What you are really saying is “I do not know if anything is really true, so I will believe what makes me happy or feel comfortable, and you should do the same.” I understand some will say “I truly believe in Buddhism, but you are not understanding these truths yet, or have not grown spiritually enough yet to understand, and my beliefs allow for that growth.” But this is a slightly different response than “believe whatever seems right to you.”

Let me ask these sincere questions: What if a supreme being really does exists? What if there really is a being that is far more knowledgeable and wise, even all-knowing (omniscient)? Would you not want to know if that were true? Would you not want to ask this being some questions? What if this supreme being had incredible powers and abilities, even was all-powerful (Omnipotent)? What if this being could be many places quickly across the universe or many places at once or everywhere present (Omnipresent)? A being that created all that there is and perhaps ruled the created universe? Would you not want to get to know this being? Would you not want to know what its purpose and plan was or what it thought of as good, right, just? Would you not want to know the truth or would you just say, “I do not care, my beliefs make me happy, comfortable.” If such a being is real and you decide on something that was not true or real, would not your plans and beliefs eventually collide with those of reality or those of the supreme being? You would be living in a bubble, a fantasy world of your own making that was not realistic. For instance, you can say “I do not believe that the IRS exists and I do not need to pay taxes,” but eventually, there will be consequences.

So my next question is, do you want to know what is really true to the best of your understanding or do you want to just believe what makes you comfortable or happy or what is easy to believe (for now)? Do you want to seek truth or not? Do you want to truly know if God exists or not? If God does exist, not knowing that could be very perilous or at the very least you may miss out on something beneficial. Not knowing what this being wants, plans or demands could be very dangerous.

Now I have been talking in generalities up to this point. If a supreme being exists and we believe that, but we know nothing about this being, we have only reached the belief of a theist, deist or an agnostic (a=without, gnostic=knowing, knowledge) . The theist, deist, or agnostic does not know if God exists, they only suspect or believe that such a being exists. If such a being exists, can we know? How can we know? Has this God communicated to us in any way? Did this Being leave any signs or hints that it exists, like a painter signing his art? Has this Being interacted with us-- or anyone at all ---in any way? We may also ask questions such as, “If such a being exists, is it good? Is it benevolent towards lesser creatures or pay any attention at all? Does this God set things in motion and then move onto something else, leaving us to our own decisions? Can we get its attention and perhaps win awards or favors?” Or the opposite? That is, incur God's disfavor or wrath?

Would you disagree that these are honest questions?

Let me say to you that I know that God does exist and you can know Him. How do I know that and others do not? Let me say that I am not unique. There are millions of us, even billions, that have encountered the Supreme Being, the Living God, the Creator of all things over thousands of years. He has revealed Himself to us, so we know who He is and that He is. Moreover, I believe a Biblical worldview is the most logical and reasonable concept you can have.

Seek to know Him, do not just believe what is easy or makes you feel good. Seek truth. That takes great humility. Over the next few posts, we will look at how we can know that a god exists and what we can know of Him and how to know Him- that is, have a relationship with Him. What is more glorious than that?

“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord...” Isaiah 1:18 (ESV)

“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the Everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.” Isaiah 40:27 (ESV)

“Why do you spend your money for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in rich food. Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live...” Isaiah 55:2 (ESV)

1Britaannica.com https://www.britannica.com/topic/materialism-philosophy

2“What is the Difference Between Macroevolution and Microevolution” ICR.org, https://www.icr.org/article/what-difference-between-macroevolution-microevolut/

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