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What if God Really Exists?

 Some comments I hear all the time in this strange post-Christian western society sound something like this: “Whatever you believe is fine,...

Thursday, October 15, 2020

25 Years a Christian Believer

On October 16, 1995, alone in an apartment in a closed Alaska resort, I submitted my life to Jesus- the promised Messiah, Creator of all things, the Living God, my Redeemer and Savior. I was 27 years old. I spent the last 25 years studying the Bible, living the Christian life as fully as I know how, challenging its claims, testing the promises, seeking understanding and desiring to know the true and living God. Today and every day, I can say with full confidence, in peace or in struggles, in security or in poverty, in sickness or in health, alone or with fellowship: God is real, true, gracious, just and good. Jesus is His Son, the Bible is true.

Before Christ

I was not always a Christian, though for my first 20+ years of life, I thought I was one. I had been raised in a small country church and had read the Bible most of my life, but the gospel never reached me. I was blind to it. I tried to love my neighbor, obey the Ten Commandments, be humble and thought I loved God by doing so. However, I also loved stories of adventure and fantasy, greatly admiring the heroes in such books as The Lord of the Rings.

At the age of ten, my older brothers took me backpacking, which were adventures in their own right and nurtured a deeper love for nature that I already enjoyed. Backpacking from campsite to campsite in the woods allows for much time in thought. My brothers also had a philosophical side which influenced me greatly. Those influences sent me on a philosophical journey for the meaning of life. I was encouraged to read such men as Thoreau and John Muir.

In high school, my brother and I spent much of our time pondering the best use of our precious, limited days on earth. Desiring adventures and heroism, I began martial arts and saved up to explore the world through travel. Practicing eastern martial arts exposed me to Zen Buddhism and eastern philosophy. So as I studied kicks and punches, I also read books on Zen.

Reaching 21 years old, I went to join my brother in Alaska, and we began a life of travel. Travel also lead to encountering other cultures, beliefs and philosophies. I kept my foundational beliefs of “loving my neighbor” and the Ten Commandments, but also became more concerned in taking care of the beauty of nature around me or something I would call a “moderately liberal environmentalism.”

I looked for ways that other philosophies or religions may support my decided personal philosophy. This lead to a curiosity and informal personal study of such ideas as Taoism (studied the Tao Te Ching), Hinduism, Buddhism (life of Buddha, 4 noble truths and 8 fold path), Zoroastrianism, Islam (the Life of Mohammad), Confucianism and others. I added to my readings men such as Richard Bach, Joseph Campbell, H. G. Wells, Hermann Hesse, and other modern “gurus”. I also read classic adventure stories by Jack London and Ernest Hemingway who were philosophers in their own way. Also, very importantly, I have always had a fascination for science and history and how the universe worked. I had done some studies in Biology, but loved all the natural sciences. I love learning about stars, space and time. So I added to my reading books and articles on physics and quantum physics. Evolution was spoken of as fact and I accepted it. Of course, I still read my Bible, but not so regularly anymore.

So I studied much, but I could not quite seem to put it all together. Nirvana, Enlightenment, peace of the soul --it just seemed to allude me. It was something that I could not quite reach no matter how much I tried. It was a mist that could not grasped and a dim haze I could not quite see through. I also could not quite understand some things. For instance, in Richard Bach’s Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the enlightened gull faded out of existence to become one with universe. Was that the goal? Was that all there was? To fade away into nothingness

    As I search for meaning and enjoyed the freedom of travel in my early 20’s, I had started to question the Ten Commandments. One day a friend came to tell me she was pregnant. I was the father. She did not want to marry me. I was lost and my dreams over. Worse, I had failed. Failed God, failed my family, failed my friend, and most of all failed my daughter before she was even born. Try as I might to do right and repair any wrongs, I could not. It was never enough and would never change the failure. It was a burden like a heavy sack on my back that I could never put down. Like Sisyphus, I was forever rolling a rock uphill. For many years I struggled with how to be a good dad without being married to the mother. Thankfully, I always had a loving family for support.

Encountering the Living God

After three years of struggling, my brother told me something had happened. He and his wife had encountered Christ and were now Christians. Weren’t we already Christians? Didn’t we grow up going to church, taking catechism, becoming members of our small church, reading our Bibles? Did they join a cult?!  So once a month I called my brother in Pennsylvania from Alaska and we would catch up (this was before cell phones and I had to use a pay phone and a calling card). All summer, they would tell me about Jesus and God and I listened patiently, but doubting. I was too caught up in my own relationship dramas to take time to investigate. But God pursued me and used them to draw me to Him. Even if I had many doubts and questions, I did found their words reasonable, thoughtful, and encouraging.

As as the summer ended, I decided to look at the Christian books they had sent me and consider what they were claiming. I realized my mind was so cluttered with science, religions and beliefs all claiming the truth that I was not certain of anything. What was most reasonable and logical? What was provable? What was the hard, REAL TRUTH, not just something that made me feel good or content to accept. Have you ever really sought the truth, never matter where it led? Even if it challenged your most dearly held beliefs and ideals? Was I willing to be wrong? Even about things society would say are “good”? Isn’t “God” the one who really decides what is “good”? It takes great humility to find truth, I realized. Humility in regards to the truth is a constant struggle even to this day. So I prayed a generic prayer to a generic all powerful god, “if you exist, reveal yourself to me, show me what is true. Help me understand.”

As time passed--slowing, reluctantly, fearfully--- I realized the claims of Christianity were most likely true. By early October, I knew intellectually that Christ was who He said He was--truly God incarnate, sinless, the Messiah, the perfect sacrifice for my sins. But I was afraid. I was afraid to submit to it. I was afraid of rejection by my friends and my live-in girlfriend (who was out of town at the time), afraid of seeming “foolish” or “wrong” or “evil” to others. I was living among those who had rejected the “normal” American life for something else and that included rejecting Christianity. I struggled for a week without commitment to Christ even though in my mind I knew it was all true. Finally, I realized that an All-powerful, all-knowing God who was loving and good would get me through it somehow. I willfully submitted my plans, my life, my all to Christ. It was October 16, 1995. I wrote it down on an index card.

I do not think anyone truly understands what all happened to me in October of 1995. I personally encountered the Living God--Holy, Righteous, Just, Long-suffering, Beautiful, perfectly Good. After kneeling all alone in my apartment, I did not feel any different. But I was different. I repeated my “sinner’s prayer” over and over again for days, confessing my need for Jesus and thanking Him for His grace, confirming my decision and commitment. After several days, my heavy burden still clung to my back. I was still crushed by the weight of my sins. I did not feel forgiven. So I kneeled down and spoke the doubt in my heart: “Father, how can you forgive me? I don’t deserve it.”

Suddenly, I saw vision. Before me passed all my life - my family, my friends, places I had been, every beast and bird and fish that ever existed. Then came the earth with its storms, vast seas and awesome beauty; the planets, the stars and galaxies and all the material universe in all its complexities. Next came the spirits, the angels and demons and even Satan Himself passed me before me. “All of this I created, all of this together does not compare to Me.” Wow. Another thing He seemed to be saying was, “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the God of Samuel, Isaiah, and Daniel. I am the God of Peter, John and Paul.”

Many say they will tell God this or that when they see Him, but it is not real. Instead, they will ask the mountains to fall on them to hide. I was utterly terrified. By this time I was physically and violently trembling on my hands and knees waiting for a verdict. I was a worm before the blazing Sun of Holiness, Perfection, Complete Goodness; the definition of Purity, Perfect Justice in bodily Form. I cannot find the words to fully express His Whole Otherness- His Holiness. My pride, selfishness, lust, envy, greed, impatience, and wretchedness was obvious before Him-- and me. I could not stand His Presence and it was just a glimpse of His Glory. Whatever He judged would be Righteous: death, disintegration, annihilation, eternal damnation and torment. It was obvious I deserved it.

I do not doubt that Shirley MacClaine, Carlos Castaneda, Joseph Smith, Muhammad or many others have had visions and spiritual encounters. I believe they truly experienced meeting spiritual beings and I am sure it has had profound affects their lives. But it is obvious from their lives and what they have said that they did not encounter the Holy God, Creator of All things. Their morality and teachings proves it was not the true and Living God, but just lying spirits and created beings. They do not glorify the true and holy God.

What happened to me next? I heard an audible, still, small loving voice say, “I forgive you.” It was as tender and gracious and moving as the holiness was terrifying. Not condemned to eternal damnation, not death as so rightly deserved. Forgiveness. Mercy. Why? Because His Son Jesus the Christ, the Sinless One, the perfect Lamb, had taken all my sins onto Himself and suffered God’s wrath in my place on the Cross. The vision ended and my burden was gone. My guilt was gone. I looked for it but it was no longer there. One minute I was weighed down, the next minute I was not. That was incredible in itself. Why me? I do not know.

That winter I read my Bible for hours on end for there was not much else to do and I hungered for wisdom. Verses and stories I had read my whole life suddenly made sense, now that I had the key to understanding and right thinking. The Gospel. My world was larger than before. Most think of Christianity as narrow-minded and limited, but my world got bigger. It was bigger than when I was trying New Age techniques and “aligning my chakras” or anything else I had tried. I saw glimpses of heaven now and lived to fulfill God’s call in righteousness and morality. I was the Lord’s servant and that was better than any momentary peace and contentment I could manage or anything else for that matter.

Many do not Understand

It took me several weeks before I mustered the courage to tell a friend. I could get away with it because I was alone most of the time with little interaction with neighbors. But it was the holiday season and potlucks are common. Then I started to attend a church down the road. Once the word was out, it spread quickly. An Alaskan co-worker and friend wintering in the “Lower 48” at the time called me within a week and said, “I hear you are a Christian now.” I understand that those in my small community did not know what to do with me now for I was a different person. I had for years discussed philosophy and morality with them many times; worked, eaten and drank together with them. Partied with them. For the most part they were gracious, especially my girlfriend, but not all. They wanted to know what happened to me but could never really hear it. As I tried to explain the gospel, who God really was, I would get in return stories of bad experiences in church, criticisms of hypocrisy, or challenges to the Biblical worldview such as the “evils” of patriarchy. I was talking about my incredible encounter with the living God and the truth that I had come to understand and they were talking about a rude church member that turned them off to Christianity. I would want to discuss reason and logic, philosophy and morality but many only thought of it as my “blind faith.” I was thought of as suddenly ignorant, though I fully understood their beliefs since I had studied many of the same things as they, but they could not seem to hear me. I do not need the Scriptures to tell me that those without the Holy Spirit cannot see the Kingdom of God, I encountered it regularly. Most people (non-Christians and even many Christians) I encounter over the years know little of the Bible or have an accurate understanding of its worldview and teachings and most have never read more than a few verses.

I want all my friends and acquaintances to know that after 25 years, my commitment to the Lord has not diminished. My trust in its truth has in fact, strengthened. I know what I believe and why I believe it. 

Witnesses to the Truth

As I stated, I am more than ever convinced of the truth of Scripture and of Christ being God. Let me state clearly that I am not a scholar, nor am I a scientist, nor am I a theologian or a pastor. I do not even have a degree in any field. But I do read much and have studied many of these things and consider myself an amateur philosopher, theologian, and scientist. More recently, I have begun to study western thought from the ancient Greek philosophers up to more modern philosophers such as Descartes, Hume, and Kant.

 Jesus taught about having the faith like a tiny mustard seed. When you understand who God is, just a little bit of faith is all that it really takes to believe Him. Like a prosecutor building a case, these witnesses show beyond a reasonable doubt that the proper Biblical Worldview is the most accurate worldview.

There are many witnesses to the truth to those that can see them:

Creation/nature or “General Revelation”: “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.” (Psalm 19). Nature, beauty, the universe, “have been clearly perceived” and reveals a Creator so “man is without excuse.” (Romans 1:20). As science reveals more and more incredible facts to us, it shows that only God could have created it. The more I learn, the more obvious it seems.

Logic, reason: I confidently state that Christianity and an accurate Biblical Worldview is the most logical, reasonable worldview and even the only logical worldview once it has been considered closely and honestly. I build some of this case below.

The Bible: of course. The Bible was written over 1500 years by over 40 authors without error and in complete harmony without contradiction. There are over 25,000 manuscripts of the New Testament alone that points to its accuracy over thousands of years. Nothing compares to it. Ever word has been examined closely. It is supernatural and prophetic. It convicts and changes the reader. It reveals a supernatural being. It is a written testimony to God’s existence, His will for man, His plan of salvation for the lost, the real history of His people.

History: History shows the Hand of God to those that look. Jesus was a real historical figure and the Bible is a historical book. The Resurrection is a real historical event. Evil may dominate for a time, but never ultimately triumphs.

Science: Do you find that surprising? Biblical Creationists love science and know that scientific discoveries and laws will always point to the true Creator and do not fear any scientific facts or evidence. The Theory of Evolution is impossible genetically and there is no real, unbiased evidence whatsoever to support it. Creationists and evolutionists use the same evidence, but interpret that evidence through a different worldview. Much evidence (data, facts) against evolution is just simply ignored by the secular community and has never been answered accurately.

Archaeology: Archaeology is a specific science that supports the Bible. Over and over again it confirms the Bible and its history. One simple new discovery can completely re-write secular history and has done so many times. But new discoveries has never contradicted the Bible or proved it false. The gospel writer Luke is considered one of the finest historians on record.

Prophecy: There are hundreds of fulfilled prophecy in the Bible--specific, accurate prophecies, not vague visions that can be interpreted in multiple ways to fit a historic event. Jesus himself fulfilled many prophecies from the Old Testament (OT) and even secularists know the OT was complete hundreds of years before His birth. Moses himself said if a prophet speaks a prophecy and it does not come to pass, he is a false prophet and do not listen to him. (Deut.18:20-22) Many Christians need that reminder as well.

Statistical Probability: The chances of Jesus fulfilling even a few prophecies are off the charts. He fulfilled hundreds. This is just one such example.

Non-material, abstract concepts: Good, evil, love, logic, beauty, justice, universal law. These cannot really be explained by a secular evolutionary or other materialistic worldviews. C. S Lewis does a thorough job of explaining what is “Universal Law,” that it exists, and points to the God of the Bible in his book, Mere Christianity.

Holy Spirit: The Bible states that Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to those who follow Him. I can affirm this experience myself. I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit who has convicted me and taught me for 25 years. He moves through History and changes individual people’s lives around the world.  

Personal Testimonies: my personal testimony speaks of an encounter with the living God , being filled with the Holy Spirit and my life being changed. No one can deny my own witness and experience. Many can tell you that I was a different person before Christ. In itself it is not much. However, there have been millions of testimonies from Christians for over two thousand years, each telling of how God saved them, healed them and changed them even in the most hostile cultures and situations. Many have died as martyrs for the truth of Christ, even those that walked with Him on earth.

Seven Challenges for the Unbeliever (and the Believer)

  There are several arguments that Christians use to confirm the existence of God and point to a Creator. These are some of the things I have come to understand that demonstrate that the God of the Bible must exist from a philosophical and logical perspective. I know from my own personal experience and my relationship with my Lord and Savior for these many years that He is real.

Cosmological Argument: The cosmological argument is based on the Law of Causality. This law states that every effect must have a cause that is equal or greater than it. Everything in the universe is essentially an effect, so it must have an ultimate cause. That cause must be self-existent and eternal.  What does God say of Himself? “The eternal God is your dwelling place and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Deut. 33:27 “God is not man that he should lie, or a son of man that he should change his mind.” Numbers 23:19; “For the Lord does not change.” Malachi 3:6; “I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the beginning and the end.” Rev. 22:13. God as Creator of all things must exist and He must be self-existent and unchanging, just as the Bible claims.

Teleological Argument: This states that because there is evident design, order and irreducible complexity to the universe, it must have a Designer. The complexity of the universe has only three possible explanations: physical necessity, chance or design. The universe does not have to be the way it is, so it cannot be physical necessity. Chance itself is absolutely nothing and cannot explain the complexities of life or non-material concepts such as intelligence or justice. So the universe must be by design and have a designer. An effect that demonstrates design implies purpose. Purpose points to an intelligent cause, which points to a personal cause. Design implies not just a generic cause or “force” or even a philosophical “disinterested” god, but implies an intelligent, personal creator, such as the God of the Bible describes itself. The universe is complex and orderly, something evolution or other origin theories cannot ultimately explain even if they claim to do so.

Historical Argument: It is accepted by even secular scholars that the Bible, at the very least, is basically a reliable historical document. As stated above, gospel writer Luke is considered a “top-notch” historian. This tells us that Jesus was an actual historical person. This historical person, like many others, claimed to be God Incarnate. He was either really God, a liar or a lunatic. From historical evidence and from reason, we can demonstrate that the Resurrection actually took place and was an actual historical event. Many of the events recorded and written about were not done in secret, but were public and witnessed by many people, both supporters and enemies. Many of the same events are even recorded in other sources.

Science and archaeology support and confirm Biblical events and history. We can also see that the ancient history of the Jews is at least basically true. We can also see from many historical events the God of the Bible actively at work in people’s lives and working throughout history. This includes recorded miracles and fulfilled prophecies.

Another aspect of history is the survival of the most persecuted people over thousands of years-the Christians and the Jews. Despite constant and sometimes severe persecution of God’s word (the Bible) and His people from every culture around the world over thousands of years, Christianity and the Word of God continue and even thrive. In North Korea today, the leaders consider a Bible the most dangerous threat to their nation, yet Christianity exists even there.

Presuppostional Argument: The Christian worldview is the only worldview with a first-principle, that is the universe was created by a God of order, reason and intelligence and reveals Himself in the Bible. This first-principle concept, which provides justification for the existence of knowledge, reason, the laws of logic, justice, morality and other non-material, abstract concepts. Other views, such as atheism and materialistic evolution, use reason and logic to demonstrate their ideas, but cannot logically account for such things as reason and logic from their worldview and must ultimately borrow these presuppositions from the Christian/Biblical worldview.

Classical Argument: Why is there something rather than nothing at all? There are 4 possible explanations for the existence of the universe:

1. The universe does not exist but is really just an illusion

2. The universe came from nothing

3. The universe itself exists eternally

4. The universe was created by something or someone that is eternal.

The universe is an illusion:

Rene Descartes tells us that, “I think, therefore, I am.” Meaning, that because I can think and reason without the aid of my physical senses, I must actually exist. I do not need to trust my imperfect and unreliable senses to know or prove existence is real. He can think and therefore exist, so therefore, the universe is not a deception or an illusion but truly exists. My physical senses agree with this and are basically reliable.

The universe came from nothing:

It is illogical to say that the universe came from nothing, but that is a common thought today promoted by the Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution. Nothing is nothing-it has no power or being and cannot create anything. It is nothing.  The concept of “spontaneous generation” contradicts the basic laws of logic and the Law of Non-contradiction.

The universe itself is eternal (i.e. matter and energy):

Possible logically, but does not match all the known laws of Physics and it cannot not explain the non-material concepts such as intelligence, logic, reason, love, and justice. The Second Law of Thermodynamics implies the universe is slowing running down, implying a beginning, not eternity. The Laws of Motion state that an object at rest will remain at rest or an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. This again implies a beginning or an ultimate cause such as Aristotle’s “Unmoved Mover.”

The universe was created by something or someone else that is eternal:

This is the most logical explanation based on what we know to be true based on science, logic, history and reason as shown by the Law of Causality and the idea of necessary being.

The argument of necessary being refers to the fact that a necessary being must exist. A contingent being depends on something else for its existence. Contingent beings do not have to exist and cannot exist in themselves. If the universe is entirely made of contingent beings, nothing would exist as they do not have the power of being in themselves. We need air to breathe and food to eat. We need parents in order to be born. Since contingent beings do exist, there has to be a source of their existence or a necessary being. This necessary being must exist (it is necessary) and it must exist with the power of being within itself. It exists independently of anything else and even if nothing else exists. It must be self-existent, eternal and unchanging.

Moral Argument: Within every person is some sense of morality. Ideas of morality differ in many ways across cultures and even within cultures and individuals, but everyone has a sense of right and wrong and “fairness”. Most everyone agrees that murder or theft is wrong even if we all may define these ideas differently. This implies a “Universal law” which points to a “Universal law-giver.” A moral and righteous god is the only reasonable explanation and the Bible reveals such a God that holds man accountable.

Many criticize the Christian God saying “if He is good, why do bad things happen and why is there evil in the world?”  However, Christianity is the only worldview that can logically account for evil. The naturalistic evolutionary worldview cannot not account for the ideas of evil, good, or justice. If we are all just chemicals and matter changing forms for millions of years, these ideas have no value. Everyone’s opinion of such things are different and disagree. Those with power will decide what is “good “or what is “just” to the suffering of the weak and poor. Basically, “might makes right.” Based on this worldview, if human existence ends, does it matter? If animals go extinct, why would that be tragic?

Buddha came up with his 4 noble truths and 8 fold path to deal with suffering, but did not have an answer for why there is suffering. Many religions acknowledge evil exists, but do not have a realistic answer for why it exists.

The Bible states that a good God created a universe that was good (Genesis 1)--without sin, suffering, disease, death. But both Satan and Adam rejected God’s just rule by choosing disobedience. This choice of disobedience and desiring not to be under God’s rule brought sin, the curse, and death. (Gen. 1-3, Romans 1-3). We, Adam and the children of Adam, are to blame for injustice, evil and suffering in the universe. The world was without hope for we could not repair this failure. Then, this rejected, just God, sent His own Son- Jesus, God Incarnate- to pay the penalty for our sin and the curse and suffered the wrath of God because only a perfect righteous person could pay the penalty. Everyone who accepts this payment and believes by faith is forgiven. Paid in full. Evil and suffering no longer have a hold on us because we have been promised eternal life. Now is a time of salvation, grace, and mercy. Moreover, evil will not endure forever. There is a time coming when all things will be judged, including each one of us. Evil will end and truth, justice and goodness will rule forever. This may seem “to good be true,” but it does answer the questions logically. Why does evil exist- we brought it about by rejecting God’s rule. How do we deal with it? What will God do about it? -Jesus sent His Son to pay the penalty and promise us eternal life. He comforts us with his Holy Spirit, His presence and His promises. He overcomes evil. How will God deal with evil?-He sends His Church to do good, overcome evil, bless others, speak hope. Jesus will return someday to judge the world, create a new heavens and earth, end all evil, and rule justly forever. Again, this may sound to good to be true, but would not a good, all-powerful God do such things if He existed?

What about Justice? Kant tells us that for true justice to exist, certain things much be true. There must be life after death, for many die unjustly and never receive justice in this life. Also, for justice to exist, there must be someone who has all knowledge (Omniscient), who knows all that has happened and have all the facts. How many times have juries made inaccurate rulings because they did not have all the facts? Moreover, this Judge must be perfectly Just and good. Many judges in this world can be bribed or do not rule in truth. Finally, this Judge also must be all-powerful (Omnipotent) so He can enforce his just ruling on all. So if justice truly exists, a Judge must exist that is beyond death, good, just, omniscient, and omnipotent. The God of the Bible is described as all of these things. He is also gracious, loving, and merciful.

Ontological Argument: This argument is hard to comprehend but is still valid. Anselm of Canterbury  gave us this thought and starts with the idea of God’s being (ontos = being in Greek). The concept is that we have an idea of a being greater than we can conceive in our mind (God). Existing in reality is greater than just conceiving a being or only existing in our mind. If this “greater than can be conceived” being only exists in my mind, than it cannot be greater than conceived. Since we have the idea of the being (God of the Bible) that being therefore must really exist. Some challenge this by using the example of conceiving the perfect island or something else, saying it may not really exist just because it can be conceived. However, Anselm was discussing the self-existent perfect being “greater than can be conceived,” not just an island or some other finite object.

   Based on these logical arguments, we have a God that is necessary, the first cause (Creator), a designer with intelligence and purpose, logical, active in history, eternal, self-evident, just, good, omniscient, and omnipotent.

Creation vs Evolution: Let me also take few minutes to discuss evolution. Evolution is pushed as the answer for secular belief that has “proven” the Bible is false, Christianity is just a belief system and that some of the arguments such as the teleological or design argument can be debunked. We do not need God because evolution and millions of years explains everything. Nothing can be further from the truth. I can give multiple examples that should cause great doubt of evolution and millions of years such as the many problems with dating methods (i.e. carbon dating), soft tissue found in several dinosaur fossils, carbon-14 in diamonds, the existence of comets, and others; but the biggest problem for evolution is probably genetics.

   Genetics are very intricate and complex and I am not an expert by any means. However, even a elementary understanding of genetics can show that evolution has not happened and cannot happen. Let me also say I am not talking about natural selection. Creationists do not deny but agree with the concept of natural selection properly defined. I am talking about macro-evolution: single cell organisms evolving into humans over millions of years.

  In humans, each parent gives 23 chromosomes (half) to their child for a total of 46. These chromosomes contain the genetic information that makes your eye color, your hair color, etc. There is no new information being created, only existing genes being passed on. My daughter got half of her information from me and half from her mother.  She is an only child. That means that half of my chromosomes and the genetic information contained therein will never be passed on and will be lost. During wars and conquests, entire cultures have been wiped out down through the ages. Their genes will never be passed on. This displays a continual loss of genetic information with no proven way of creating new.  Of course, mutations do occur, even if very rarely. However, mutations are rarely beneficial and do not produce new information or demonstrate evolution as some claim. "Successful macro-evolution requires the addition of NEW information and NEW genes that produce NEW proteins that are found in NEW organs and systems." If evolution is true, there should be abundant examples of new genetic information being created throughout the history of all organisms. Moreover, there is a tremendously huge amount of information stored in our genes. Where did all that genetic information come from? From an intelligent, eternal being. 

   Finally, let me say, I put the same effort into knowing God, understanding His Word and finding the proper interpretation of it. I seek to work through the difficult verse in the Bible and the difficult doctrines. I want to know my Lord, I want a proper Biblical worldview. I want to truly understand such things as the Trinity, predestination and baptism. I want to know the gospel and how best to serve my Lord and Savior. 

The Lord is real and He is good. He has watched over me not only these past 25 years, but in reality my whole life. I will continue to serve Him in this life for as long as He allows. Please consider my words. Seek Him and ask Him in humility to reveal Himself to you. He is not who you think He is. He is good, He is holy, He is just, gracious, merciful, loving. He is the way, the truth, the life. The truth will set you free. It has not always been an easy 25 years, but it has been a very blessed 25 years. May the Lord show you His countenance and give you peace. Amen. 

-Raymond K Schell

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