Sunday, December 12, 2021

What if God really exists? Part 6 -The observable attributes of God

In earlier blogs, I am discussing the question of God's existence and that it is possible to know that God does exist and even to know God. I also asked such questions as:

If such a being exists, can we know? (Yes)

How can we know? (Logic demands it– Necessary Being)

Has this God communicated to us in any way?

Did this Being leave any signs or hints that it exists, like a painter signing his art? (Yes - creation)

Has this Being interacted with us-- or anyone at all ---in any way?

We may also ask questions such as, “If such a being exists, is it good?

Is it benevolent towards lesser creatures or pay any attention at all?

Does this God set things in motion and then move onto something else, leaving us to our own decisions? Can we get its attention and perhaps win awards or favors? Or the opposite? That is, incur God's disfavor or wrath?

I suggest that you read the series in order and that you should start here:

What if God really Exists?

`In the last two blogs, logic has shown that God must exist as a Necessary Being that is beyond just matter, energy. The Big Bang cannot explain the universe, it can only be explained by God alone.

So God does exist, but is that all we can know about him? Logically, can we only affirm the deist, theist or the agnostic? Not at all. As was mentioned in the last blog, the universe is complex and concepts exist within creation that cannot be adequately explained logically by materialism, as much as atheistic scientists and philosophers try to do so based on their belief system.

God is a being of order. Laws of physics control how the universe operates. The Laws of Motion and the Laws of Thermodynamics guide how objects interact. Metaphysical laws guide molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles in ways we are still trying to comprehend. The universe is complex but not random or chaotic. We have 3 primary colors and three secondary colors that combine to create all colors. Music is in scales that can be ordered. Gravity moves the heavenly bodies with mathematical precision. The planets move with such accuracy that we can predict exactly what the sky looked like thousands of years ago. These laws that govern the universe had to be created as part of the universe. Lawful order in the cosmos demonstrates an orderly, lawful and intelligent Creator.

God is a being of logic. Logic is not a man-made construct developed by Aristotle. The laws of logic, such as the law of non-contradiction, would still function even in the farthest reaches of the cosmos. The fact that logic exists and affects the universe, demonstrates it was there from creation.

God is a being of life. Life exists. The earth is full of it in every corner, from the clouded highs to the depths of the seas. Life is complex and diverse. With life comes emotions and intellect as well as reproduction. Life is unique and cannot be explained materially despite the claims of illogical and unproven evolutionary theories. There are no discovered powers or laws within the DNA or molecules to bring about life or change life from one kind of being to another kind being. There is great adversity and complexity within a kind, but not the power to create new kinds of life. The spark that is life comes from God himself.

God is a being of intelligence. In order for there to be logic, order, law, or life, there must be intelligence. Scientists speak of evolutionary processes moving through time and reacting or “deciding” to change in order to survive or improve. A dinosaur cannot “decide” to grow feathers. DNA or cells or molecules in a creature cannot “decide” this either. These entities do not have intelligence, they react to laws of life and physics and within the limits of these laws. An intelligence being can create and work with these properties.

God is a being of beauty. Color, music, savoring aromas, fine textures and overall beauty also demonstrates an intelligent Creator. He is a God from which beauty comes. If we were only beings of materialism, beauty would mean nothing. We may not even notice it. Beauty is not needed for the functioning of the materialistic world. Instead, we are deeply moved by it. Our appreciation of beauty points to a Creator who brings about beauty.

God is a being of morality. What about morality and love? To a materialist, these would be meaningless constructs of chemical reactions. “Two pieces of meat lying on a table says they love each other.” It is foolishness. The idea of morality points to something beyond humanity. There also seems to be a universal law of morality. For instance, almost everyone would say murder is wrong, even if we define in differently in different societies. If you look closely at morality with logic, a precision develops in these moralistic laws, demonstrating a uniformity that it is not obvious upon first glance. C. S. Lewis explores the idea of a universal moral law thoroughly in Mere Christianity. Most recently in western society, moral relativism is failing (as it must logically) and giving way to a secular and liberal moral ideology that is being thrust on all people. What is this secular liberalism based on? The personal opinions or moral ideas of people with authority. But these people in authority are finite in wisdom and knowledge and biased in agendas (and morally corrupt). However, this also must fail and even collapse for it cannot be sustained as it is. Morality, logically, must come from an all powerful and perfectly good God.

What about justice? The concept of justice exists, but does true justice exist? We experience injustice regularly. This experience is either personal or witnessed in society. A person is murdered and the murderer is not found or is overlooked by the authorities. Personal property is damaged or stolen and no compensation is given. In order for there to be true justice, it must go beyond this life experience. Justice cannot be ultimately found in this mortal life. Justice points to an afterlife and a proper judgment in that afterlife. For proper judgment, there must be a perfectly moral and good Judge. This Judge must not only be perfectly moral, but all-knowing so that there is not some unknown or hidden factor that may affect the understanding of the cause. In order for justice to prevail, this Judge must be able to completely enforce the proper verdict, otherwise it may not be carried out and justice still fail. That implies an all-powerful Judge. God is a being of justice that is all-knowing and all-powerful.

Through logic and careful observation of the existing universe, we can know that God is necessary, a god of order, a god of law, a god with intelligence, a god of logic, a god of life, a god of beauty, a god of morality, a god of justice who is omniscient and omnipotent. All this points beyond any mythological being or materialistic secularism, but points in the direction of the God that is described in the Bible.

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